Picture this: you've browsed our amazing selection online and see a few albums you'd like to purchase at one of our pop up shops. You've hyped yourself up because you are READY to take those bad boys home; only to arrive and find out someone already bought them. That shit sucks. So we've come up with a solution!
When you are at checkout with your order, put in code: LOCALPICKUP so you will not be charged for shipping. Once you've placed your order, please keep an eye out for an email from us to confirm the pop up date (the first and third thursday of the month) you'd like to pick up your order on. If you are unable to pick up during one of our pop ups, we can arrange a day and time to meet at the same location for your pick up. We are more than happy to work with you, however, we are not offering local deliveries.
All sales prices/discounts will be added at checkout. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to one of our social media pages or our email ericavinyl@gmail.com